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Going With the Flow

Colin De France

Often times we are so consumed with goals, objectives, and competing deadlines, that we lose touch with what is actually going on around us.

For those who have been following my recent Facebook and Instagram posts, you will know that I have been very busy over the past couple of months with renovations to a lovely little circa 1858 house we purchased in Hamilton, Ontario. Making all of the necessary repairs to restore this house to an acceptable level of safety and comfort is the immediate goal. (Longer term, the goal is to build a new timber-frame home as time and resources permit). Although I have acquired some experience with home renovations over the years, I'll be the first to admit that this project has stretched my handy-man skills to the limit! It seems that for each item I fix, I find five more things that require attention. While walking the dogs this morning, I mentally reviewed my task list, and began to feel somewhat disenchanted at the magnitude of work still to be done. Reflecting for a moment, it occurred to me that perhaps I might be focusing too much on outcomes instead of just going with the flow and keeping my awareness on the process of what I was doing. After all, what's the point of doing anything unless you can be truly joyful while you are doing it?

Writing this blog post was a personal reminder to myself to keep things in perspective and connect with the joy that exists in every moment of every day.

In the words of modern day sage and mystic Sadhguru...

"Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry, but never impatient".

Enjoy the journey!


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