About Colin
My Story
Finding peace in life should not be a goal in and of itself, but is the very foundation for realizing one's true purpose: To joyfully live each day for the experience of simply being alive. In this state, all things are possible.
From a very tender age, I have always felt that there is much more to this life than meets the senses. Subtle signs can be found all around which tell a story of boundless possibilities beyond the physical. We only need to take the time to stop and pay attention.
During my journey, I have explored life with a light-hearted, curious nature and a love of science. After graduating from university, I began a career in the corporate world and like many, found myself in a relationship, chose to get married, raise a family, and soon lived each day pretty much like the day before.
Divine discontent being the hallmark of the human condition, I found myself at a crossroads. The place where many have come to ask two very simple questions: “Who am I? Why am I here?” Pondering this led me on an inward journey and to the practices of yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
Typical of western thinking, one often associates “yoga” with exercise and bending like a pretzel. I eventually came to realize however, that yoga means "union" and the practice of yoga is a science which brings balance in ways far beyond simple postures. After several years of practicing yoga and meditation, I took part in yoga teacher training and a year later obtained an advanced certification in yoga with the Sivananda Vedanta Yoga Centre in the Bahamas.
In addition to teaching yoga classes and running meditation and mindfulness
workshops, I have a professional certification in Thai yoga massage. A deeply meditative experience for both receiver and giver; Thai yoga massage employs a combination of therapeutic modalities including conventional massage, reflexology, and yoga. My teaching practice is further enhanced by a love of guitar, playing the didgeridoo, singing and composing music. I often use sound and music to enhance the meditative experience.
I live my life with a love of these practices and a desire to share the benefits with others.